Friday, July 27, 2012

Ultrasound and a heartbeat!

We had our first ultrasound today, and all is well. Heartbeat is 103 bpm, size is a little smaller than expected but not abnormal. I go back in one week for another ultrasound. :)

I will now try to stop worrying constantly. I cannot promise anything.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Betas, heartburn, and caffeine. OH MY!

Betas are back!  hCG: 2100, Prog: 37.8.  I'll go for an ultrasound on Friday of next week, with fingers crossed to hear a heartbeat.  So glad the Prog number is back up, and surprised that we're almost double what I figured we would be today.  Hmm...

In other news, I've been crashing around 9:30 each night.  This is incredibly early for me, and I am usually the one to stay awake last until almost midnight.  Also: mad heartburn.  I had oatmeal for breakfast and it gave me horrible heartburn.  And I am medicated, damn it.  I read the Danny blog, and noticed that I already needed almonds with him too; now it's time to grocery shop!

I've completely kicked the caffeine habit, and would like a sticker or an award of some sort.  I still drink carbonated beverages in the evening at home, but all day long I drink water.  It's like someone has swapped bodies with me.  Also, I have lost about six pounds.  Yey me!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

the most boring post in the world. also: chocolate and juice

I have very little to report.  I am not feeling much of anything, I am in relatively good spirits and am not crampy or sick.  I can no longer eat chocolate, but in the grand scheme of things, that's not such a big deal.  And, it's not that my face swells up and becomes balloonish -- I get a little heartburn.  Much like I do when I drink the newfound sweet nectar of the gods: orange juice. 

I do think it's ironic that I have an automatic M&M dispenser at my desk that I am unable to enjoy.  I live vicariously through everyone else.  Sigh.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

supplemental info

Betas from yesterday: 309, 8

Yes, my progesterone level is 8, down from 13, down from 21.  I am now supplementing and trying desperately not to google low progesterone in early pregnancy.  Mood: fantastic.  :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You are pregnant, congratulations!

Beta levels are back!  71 hCG and 13.5 Prog.  The nurse said 'You are pregnant, congratulations!'

So, Congratulations us!

Driving lessons

After a horrible night's sleep Wednesday, I slept like a rock last night.  Woke up at 5:40 and didn't even hit snooze!  I went for a 3.2 mile walk, and was in a great mood.  I went for another beta this morning, high-horsing my way through the day.  I drove out the driveway marked 'do not enter' because it was closer than the alternative and I wasn't paying attention as closely as I should've been.  I was careful to turn left as quickly as possible, since people wouldn't expect me to be using that driveway, but felt above the law because we were still technically in a parking lot.  I waited for one car and then went for it.  The very next car I passed came to an almost complete stop and threw his hands up in the air, with a very nasty face to boot.  I threw my hands up at him in response, because that's how I roll.  You can't tell me not to turn left when no one was in danger, Mr. Hands-in-the-air, all crotchety-like guy!  Then, feeling a bit smug, I encountered a few more cars that seems puzzled that I had turned left.  Then a very nice gentlemen pointed to the other side of the road, alerting me to the fact that I was going the wrong way on a one-way side.  Classy.

There were two lanes.  Sheesh.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


When I was expecting the original kitten, I slept like a rock from the day I found out I was pregnant.  If last night is any indication, this will not be the same.  K is out of town, and I had a hard time falling asleep, so let's say it was around 11ish.  I woke up at 1am because Moxy was stuck in the boy's room (for the third night this week -- catch on, lady!) I stayed awake for half an hour or so, then woke back up at 3am for about an hour.  Willed myself back to half-sleep, until about 5am.  I gave up, got up, showered and read the news.  Driving to work today I felt like a zombie; do you think work would frown on my napping at my desk?

I go back for another beta test tomorrow morning. Excited and exhausted. Clearly not a very good writer when sleep deprived.  That is all for now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beta 1

Beta results are back... hCG is 30, Prog is 21.  That's almost exactly what my beta levels were with the monster on the same cycle day.  How do I know that, you may ask?  Because I am an obsessive blogger about all things pregnancy. 

We are definitely pregnant.

In other news, I was very sick to my stomach during my morning walk today.  That has never happened.  The closest I got to having morning sickness with the monster was feeling nauseous in the car.  Once.

Well, that's not what I expected

Well, hello blog!  I can't believe we're at this spot again.  It's exciting and somehow surprising.

Wait, what did you say?  Yes, we went to great lengths to get pregnant and it took years, but somehow I'm still surprised.   And I brought along some valid concerns, just for fun.  I'm experiencing a little spotting and cramping, which the interwebs tell me are common.  Five home tests were positive -- I am nothing if not thorough.  I have already seen my doctor and had a blood test.  And now, we wait. 

And sit.  And think about how we'll decorate the baby's room in the new house.  Light blue walls with cloud decals near the skyline.  This will make moving so much more exciting.  Boy, we should potty train the monster before this one arrives.  And he'll need to transition to a toddler bed.  And, that business trip that's coming up will be right in the peak of my tired time.  And... 

Welcome back, Susan. I missed you.